Tag: ONG March

Collaborative Journey with the Lebanese Armed Forces
In the realm of humanitarian work and community development, successful collaboration is often the linchpin that holds together transformative initiatives. MARCH has exemplified this spirit of collaboration across multiple sectors. One particularly noteworthy partnership that has borne significant fruit is its ongoing relationship with the Lebanese Armed Forces (LAF). Collaborative Journey with the Lebanese Armed […]

Institutional Resilience and Collaborative Approach: MARCH’s Path to Social Cohesion In the pursuit of a stable and prosperous nation, institutional resilience stands as a cornerstone for both development and social harmony. Establishing a robust governmental infrastructure is vital to ensuring citizens’ access to essential services that contribute to a high quality of life. Yet, when […]

As part of the MARCH mission to promote the resilience of youth within its center and foster a more coherent and sustainable peace-building process, it offers legal support in Tripoli. This support is focused on providing legal services and awareness sessions aimed at addressing the hardships that have deprived young people of their civil rights, […]

Le Figaro – Les bas-fonds de Tripoli s’ouvrent aux visites guidées.
REPORTAGE – Une ONG organise des excursions pour changer leregard sur les quartiers de cette ville libanaise longtemps déchirée parles combats. Tripoli «Vous avez des questions avant qu’on aille sur les lieux des combats?» Ali, 23 ans, barbe de hipster et long short de boxe, est un guide surprenant. Comme son alter ego, Zafer, 38 […]

Transforming Communities: Empowering Women through Post-Conflict Peacebuilding In recent years, the humanitarian sector has embraced a gender-sensitive lens: recognizing the importance of women’s active participation in peacebuilding processes, particularly in post-conflict societies. MARCH’s work in Tripoli has been at the forefront of this transformative approach which showcases the power of women’s inclusion in rebuilding efforts […]

الحدث – أحد متاريس خطوط التماس في طرابلس
في الشارع الفاصل بين باب التبانة وجبل محسن في طرابلس، أحد متاريس خطوط التماس سابقاً، نشأت “قهوتنا” كمساحة تلاق لشباب رفضوا الاقتتال وفاءً للزعماء… ومن أجل مدينة أكثر سلاماً وانفتاحاً، يجلسون معاً، يشربون القهوة، يدرسون، يعملون، يتحدّثون

Economic resilience stands as a cornerstone of MARCH’s initiatives, particularly evident in its efforts within Beb El Tabbaneh and Jabal Mohsen. Recognizing that the roots of conflict extended beyond mere ideology, MARCH identified a socioeconomic ecosystem that led to further marginalization of these communities, leaving them lacking opportunities and mired in hopelessness. This was primarily […]

Promoting Freedom of Expression: The Challenging Censorship Program
In the year 2020, the Challenging Censorship program was launched by MARCH with a mission to combat censorship practices and promote freedom of expression in Lebanon. The program aims to empower youth in Tripoli and Beirut through capacity building and knowledge-sharing. With some activists leaving the country, the Challenging Censorship program reevaluated its approach from […]

المركزية – المكاري جال في ورش جمعية “مارش” – طرابلس
زار وزير الإعلام في حكومة تصريف الأعمال المهندس زياد المكاري، مركز “قهوتنا” التابع لجمعية “مارش”، وجال في أقسام المشاريع والورش التي ينفذها، واستمع الى المشرفين والمتطوعين في الورش المختلفة ورحبت رئيسة “مارش” ليا بارودي بالمكاري. وتحدثت عن “معاناة المنطقة نتيجة ما تعرضت له من مفهوم المواجهة، وعما بذل من جهد لإعادة التواصل بين الشباب على […]