A History of Clashes, Battles, and Resentment The city of Tripoli, Lebanon, has faced its share of challenges, including periods of partial government absence and clashes between the communities of Jabal Mohsen and Bab El Tebbeneh, as well as between these communities and security institutions, notably the Lebanese Armed Forces. During the peak conflicts of […]
Tag: Construction

Reconciliation through Rebuilding: The BEDCO Construction Initiative
Construction can refurbish and rebuild a city in more ways than one. Combining that with reintegration and rehabilitation, MARCH through BEDCO are uniting young people across communal divides. Together they’re rebuilding a better future for themselves, supporting their communities and contributing to rebuilding the city of Beirut. “I wanted to help, my friends and I […]

Reuters- Fighters and farmers step in to help Beirut after the blast
Ban Barkawi AMMAN (Thomson Reuters Foundation) – From former fighters repairing damaged buildings to rural women preparing meals, people from across Lebanon have stepped in to help businesses set up to do good after the seismic port explosion in Beirut. The Aug. 4 blast, which officials have blamed on more than 2,000 tonnes of ammonium […]

Civil Military Cooperation for social cohesion
Hand in Hand for a better Lebanon As part of its numerous collaborations with the Lebanese Army to improve social cohesion and promote mutual respect and understanding between communities and the Army, MARCH launched a new partnership on June 29th: building a military training base for Tripoli’s 12th infantry brigade from the ground up. The […]

In Tripoli Due to Tripoli’s ecosystem, the area has constituted fertile grounds for conflict over the years. Local youth had been subjected to extreme socio-economic conditions that had made them susceptible to sectarian narratives. Furthermore, these individuals’ quality of life has been gravely impacted and their basic rights considerably impaired. They had difficulty accessing fundamental […]

Our work with the communities of Beb El Tabbaneh and Jabal Mohsen through the Beb El Dahab rehabilitation and reintegration program has been an important pillar of our other initiatives. MARCH realized that providing the youth with a holistic set of marketable skills would enable them to access better opportunities and shift the trajectory of […]

حفل ترميم مركز بيروت الإقليمي للدفاع المدني بحضور رامبلنغ
Al Liwaa أقيم حفل في مركز بيروت الإقليمي للدفاع المدني في محلة الكولا بمناسبة الإشراف على الإنتهاء من عمليات ترميم المركز بحضور السفير البريطاني كريس رامبلنغ. حضر الإحتفال مدير عام الدفاع المدني العميد ريمون خطار ممثلاً وزيرة الداخلية والبلديات ريا حفار الحسن، رئيسة جمعية مارش الممولة لهذا المشروع ليا بارودي ورؤساء المراكز العضوية التابعة لمركز […]

Nada MERHI | OLJ SOCIAL L’ONG March a inauguré hier le centre de la Défense civile, dans le secteur Cola, au terme de près six semaines de travaux dans le cadre de ses projets de capacitation de la jeunesse marginalisée. Au siège régional de la Défense civile dans le secteur Cola, à Beyrouth, l’ambiance était […]

افتتاح مركز بيروت الاقليمي للدفاع المدني في منطقة الكولا
LBC Group TV تم الاحتفال بافتتاح مركز الدّفاع المدني الإقليميّ في منطقة الكولا بحلّته الجديدة. وأنجزت جمعية مارش عمليّة إعادة التأهيل وبدعم من السفارة البريطانية في بيروت. وتمت عملية إعادة التأهيل على أيد شبانٍ وشابات المهمشين والمنسيّين من مختلف أرجاء بيروت أبرزها مناطق المدينة الرياضية، الشياح وطريق الجديدة. وهدف هذا المشروع الى تعزيز حس الوحدة والتضامن […]

The youth of Beb El Tabbaneh and Jabal Mohsen have committed to improving their communities and giving their home an entire new look. They have employed the skills they’ve learned through the Beb El Dahab rehabilitation and reintegration program to entirely transform their surrounding public spaces. After having revived a historic marketplace on a […]