Tag: Conflict Resolution

حملة تنظيف قلعة طرابلس من الداخل والخارج
نظمت جمعية مارش بالتعاون مع الجيش اللبناني حملة تنظيف لقلعة طرابلس ضمن إطار فعاليات ” مدينة طرابلس عاصمة للثقافة العربية” ، على أن تشمل حملة التنظيف التي بدأت اليوم وتستمر لمدة أربعة أسابيع ازالة الشوائب عن جدران القلعة من الداخل والخارج وطبعاً يشارك في هذا العمل جهاز الطوارئ والإغاثة وصباحاً وقبل بدء الأعمال كانت كلمة […]

حملة تنظيف قلعة طرابلس من الداخل والخارج
تعاون مشترك بين جمعية مارش والجيش اللبناني نظمت جمعية مارش بالتعاون مع الجيش اللبناني حملة تنظيف لقلعة طرابلس ضمن إطار فعاليات ” مدينة طرابلس عاصمة للثقافة العربية” ، على أن تشمل حملة التنظيف التي بدأت اليوم وتستمر لمدة أربعة أسابيع ازالة الشوائب عن جدران القلعة من الداخل والخارج وطبعاً يشارك في هذا العمل جهاز الطوارئ […]

إطلاق حملة لتنظيف قلعة طرابلس
ضمن إطار فعاليات ” طرابلس عاصمة للثقافة العربية” حظيت قلعة طرابلس الأثرية بإهتمام جمعية مارش لجهة إطلاق حملة لتنظيفها وإزالة الحشائش من داخلها وتلك التي نمت على جدرانها بهدف الحفاظ ورفع الضرر عنها، العمل يأتي بالتعاون مع الجيش اللبناني ويستمر أربعة أسابيع ومن داخل القلعة بدأت الأعمال صباح اليوم حيث شرح قائد لواء المشاة 12 […]

Transforming Conflict and Stigmatization through the Love and War Tour
Tripoli, Lebanon’s second-largest city, has long been plagued by social unrest and sectarian clashes between the communities of Jabal Mohsen and Beb El Tebbeneh. These conflicts and recurring clashes which have ended with a ceasefire in 2014, have not only resulted in physical damage but also contributed to the neglect and marginalization of some of […]

United for Tripoli : Football tournament
Sports for Reconciliation: Bridging Divides between Former Fighters and the Lebanese Armed Forces Tripoli has long grappled with conflict, social unrest, and insecurity within its communities, particularly in Jabal Mohsen and Beb El Tebbeneh. Furthermore, socio-economic instability, gang activity, drug use, and the widespread presence of illegal weapons have intensified these challenges. This situation often […]

In Tripoli’s Bab al-Tabbaneh and Jabal Mohsen, ex-rival fighters light up former frontlines with solar energy
Darkness contributes to conflict. When you can’t see what they tell you is your enemy, you will live in perpetual fear. TRIPOLI — “We used to go to the Army in handcuffs, now we go to them with lightbulbs,” jokes Bassam*, a young ex-combatant from Tripoli’s Bab al-Tabbaneh neighborhood. The men sitting around him in […]

Installing Solar Street lights in Collaboration with the Lebanese Armed Forces
In collaboration with the Lebanese Army, MARCH installed 380 solar street lights along the former demarcation lines of Beb El Tebbeneh and Jabal Mohsen, areas once marred by clashes and violence between the two communities. This initiative was conducted during a special event at Kahwetna and carried the powerful slogan: “To light a small candle […]

Collaborative Journey with the Lebanese Armed Forces
In the realm of humanitarian work and community development, successful collaboration is often the linchpin that holds together transformative initiatives. MARCH has exemplified this spirit of collaboration across multiple sectors. One particularly noteworthy partnership that has borne significant fruit is its ongoing relationship with the Lebanese Armed Forces (LAF). Collaborative Journey with the Lebanese Armed […]

Transformative Collaborations: Building Bridges between Local Communities and Governmental Institutions
A History of Clashes, Battles, and Resentment The city of Tripoli, Lebanon, has faced its share of challenges, including periods of partial government absence and clashes between the communities of Jabal Mohsen and Bab El Tebbeneh, as well as between these communities and security institutions, notably the Lebanese Armed Forces. During the peak conflicts of […]