As part of the MARCH mission to promote the resilience of youth within its center and foster a more coherent and sustainable peace-building process, it offers legal support in Tripoli. This support is focused on providing legal services and awareness sessions aimed at addressing the hardships that have deprived young people of their civil rights, […]
Category: Statelessness

الوكالة الوطنية للإعلام – لقاء لجمعية مارتش ومديرية الأحوال الشخصية حول مكتومي القيد اللبنانيين واقتراح مشروع قانون لتسهيل تسجيلهم
نظمت جمعية “مارش” لقاء تشاوريا بعنوان “المكتوم اللبناني: تحديات وحلول”، في فندق “فينيسيا” في بيروت، بالتعاون مع المديرية العامة للأحوال الشخصية في وزارة الداخلية والبلديات. جمع اللقاء عددًا من النوّاب والسفراء والخبراء والسياسيين والقضاة والمحامين وممثلين من مختلف المنظمات المحلية والدوليةألقت المنسقة العامة والعضو المؤسس لجمعية مارش ليا بارودي، كلمة افتتاحية أضاءت فيها على قضية […]

المركزية – مشروع قانون قيد الدرس لمعالجة قضايا مكتومي القيد
يسير القضاء اللّبناني بسبب «القصور اللوجستي» في قصور العدل ببطء شديد، ويدرج معالجة قضايا مكتومي القيد في أدنى سلّم أولوياته. بحسب “الأخبار”، أعدّ المدير العام للأحوال الشخصية في وزارة الداخلية إلياس خوري مشروع قانون قيد الدرس لاختصار الطريق أمام الأولاد اللبنانيين الشرعيين الذين أُهمل قيدهم ضمن مهلة السنة المحددة في القانون، لتسريع تسجيلهم عبر إنشاء […]

Proposed Draft Law Facilitating Registration Process for Lebanese Stateless Individuals
MARCH organized a highly successful high-level consultative meeting entitled “Lebanese Stateless: Challenges and Solutions” in collaboration with the General Directorate of Personal Status at the Ministry of Interior and Municipalities to address the issue of Lebanese statelessness. The meeting brought together several Members of Parliament, ambassadors, experts, policymakers, judges, lawyers, and representatives from various local […]

Testimony: Meet Mostafa Latesh
“I used to think of weapons, now I think of brushes and paint rollers.” Mostafa Latesh Mustafa is a stateless former fighter who had been incarcerated for taking part in the clashes between Jabal Mohsen and Beb El Tebbeneh in Tripoli . After joining March’s rehabilitation program, Mustafa left his dark past behind, becoming a painter and […]

. An estimated 27,000 people born of Lebanese fathers are stateless in Lebanon because their births were not registered. This number is expected to double by the year 2035. . . . In partnership with MARCH’s work with the communities of Beb El Tabbaneh and Jabal Mohsen has exposed us to a pool of socio-economic […]

Mapping and Understanding Statelessness in Tripoli. “This report provides an analysis of statelessness among people of Lebanese decent in the northern Lebanese city of Tripoli. It starts with an overview of the local context, then introduces statelessness as a global concept along with the relevant international conventions and best practices to solving it around the […]

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