L’impegno del gruppo March nel Paese, in ginocchio dalla fine della guerra civile: «Arte e cultura sono catalizzatori di cambiamento. Vi racconto come metto sul palcoscenici combattenti e nemici» Una vita da mediatrice, nel mezzo di conflitti interconfessionali e settari, usando l’arte – in particolare il teatro sociale – come strumento per far abbassare le […]
Category: Freedom Of Expression

Tripoli’s Syria Street: A symbol of Lebanon’s divisions
In the northern Lebanese city of Tripoli, one road symbolises the complex relationship between Lebanon and neighbouring Syria: the aptly named Syria Street. With the outbreak of civil war in Syria in 2011, Tripoli street also become a conflict zone. On one side, the Alawite district sided with Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. The Sunni neighbourhood […]

لبنانيّة تحارب الطائفيّة بالفنّ والعلم وتتأهّل لجائزة عالميّة من بين 10 صنّاع تغيير ملهمين
جعلت من مقاتلين سابقين يحملون ريشة رسم بدلاً من السلاح، ويحاربون التطرّف والطائفية بالفن والثقافة والعلم. مؤسِّسة منظمة “مارش” غير الحكومية ووسيطة السلام ليا بارودي تتحدّث لـ”النهار”، عن أهمية جعل التعدد مصدراً للغنى بدلاً من الخلاف، وقد أثبتت ذلك من خلال تجربتها التي تفوق الـ10 سنوات مع شباب مقاتلين سابقين وفئات مهمشة في بلد كلبنان، وسيط […]

Lea Baroudi selected as one of the Ten Finalist for 2023 Global Pluralism Award
Lea Baroudi, Co-Founder and General Coordinator of MARCH, an organization dedicated to peacebuilding and conflict resolution and youth empowerment in Lebanon, has been selected as one of the ten finalists for the 2023 Global Pluralism Award. The 2023 Global Pluralism Award recognizes the remarkable efforts of Mrs. Baroudi, a passionate peace mediator employing art, culture, […]

سفير الشمال – أهالي التبانة وجبل محسن في مهرجان ترفيهي مشترك
منذ عشر سنوات كان شارع سوريا ” خط تماس” لجولات قتالية إندلعت بين منطقتي باب التبانة وجبل محسن، واليوم شارع سوريا نقطة مهمة لمهرجان ترفيهي ” يلا نفرح سوا” تحت شعار ” متحدون من أجل طرابلس ” اطلقته جمعية مارش بالتعاون مع الجيش اللبناني بهدف دعم الاستقرار بين المنطقتين بحسب ما قالت رئيسة الجمعية ليا […]

Promoting Freedom of Expression: The Challenging Censorship Program
In the year 2020, the Challenging Censorship program was launched by MARCH with a mission to combat censorship practices and promote freedom of expression in Lebanon. The program aims to empower youth in Tripoli and Beirut through capacity building and knowledge-sharing. With some activists leaving the country, the Challenging Censorship program reevaluated its approach from […]

Freedom of Expression & Dialogue Handbook
The Freedom of Expression and Dialogue Handbook was written and designed by the youth in Tripoli of the “Challenging Censorship” program. The handbook tackles diverse topics of freedom of expression such as promoting positive communication, constructive argumentation, values of freedom of expression, and pluralism. The handbook addresses these topics by introducing fundamental tools and skills, […]

Challenging Censorship
The Challenging Censorship Program is on a mission to promote freedom of expression and positive dialogue in Lebanon. “I never thought I could have a constructive conversation with someone who disagrees with me. However, after the training, I was eager to listen to someone with different opinions rather than fight them.” Freedom of expression is […]

“Taarafou” Theater for Reconciliation /تعارفوا
32 full house performances in Lebanon so far in four different theatres Viewed by more than 5576 people Covered by 29 national and international media MARCH Presents “Taarafou” Written and Directed by Yehia Jaber What happens when 18 young men and women, who come from different backgrounds and areas in Beirut, meet to get to […]